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Development of a GPU Spectrometer for the ALMA Total Power Array

  • Speaker : 김종수 (천문연구원) / Jongsoo Kim (KASI)
  • Date : 2023-10-04 16:00 ~ 17:00
  • Location : 장영실홀 331-2 (JYS 331-2)
  • Host :

A GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) spectrometer for the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) Total Power Array has been developed by the KASI and the NAOJ (National Astronomy Observatory of Japan).  It is a first in-kind contribution of the KASI to the ALMA international collaboration.  The development project went through a series of milestones, from a concept design review in 2016 to commission and science verification in 2023.    During the ALMA maintenance period of February 2022, the GPU spectrometer was installed in a technical building at the Array Operation Site by its developers from  the KASI and the NAOJ.   Right after the installation, SiO (J=2-1; v=1) 86 GHz maser spectral lines toward the Orion KL region were successfully detected using the spectrometer.   The spectrometer will be used from the ALMA Cycle 10 (October 2023) for science observations.