Full-time Researcher
at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute would like to invite full-time researcher who can contribute to a world-leading institute in the field of astronomy.
1. Fields of Invitation
Fields of Invitation로 Title, Major, Application Code, Detailed Field 구성되어 있습니다.
Title |
Major |
Application Code |
Detailed Field |
Researcher |
Astronomy |
A1 |
Solar Physics(Coronal Mass Ejection) |
Astronomy |
A2 |
Active Galactic Nucleus with VLBI |
Astronomy |
A3 |
East Asia VLBI(Operations) and AGN Research |
2. Employment Period
ㅇ 2 years contract with a renewable extension upon successful performance
ㅇ The date is nominally April 1, 2014.
3. Application Procedure
ㅇ Application deadline (by February 28, 2014)
- All submission material should be in Korean or English sent by email to (hsy2186@kasi.re.kr)
ㅇ Documents screening (March 3 ~5, 2014)
- Result will be notified individually
ㅇ Oral presentation for selected applicants (March 12 ~13, 2014)
- Face to Face interview or video-phone call interview (only for applicants abroad)
- 10 minutes self-presentation and 10 minutes Q&A session
- Presentation topic : the recent research achievements and future plan at KASI
- Presentation material : 15 pages or less, ppt or pdf format (send to hsy2186@kasi.re.kr)
- Result will be notified individually
ㅇ Final Interview for selected applicants (March 20 ~21, 2014)
4. Documents to be ted (by February 28, 2014)
ㅇ Curriculum vitae (including “Application Code” in CV is a MUST) : including
information about education (academic degrees, field of study and the title of
the thesis or dissertation and dates of award), professional experience,
fellowships and grants received in the past
ㅇ Certificate of final academic degree
ㅇ Academic trans (not mandatory but recommended)
ㅇ List of research accomplishments and publications (for the last 5 years)
ㅇ 2 letters of reference (reference's signature included): Letters of reference from
two persons in a position to academically evaluate the applicant and
his/her research proposal, such as his/her dissertation supervisor,
professors or fellow researchers
ㅇ Official certificate of career
5. Inquiries
ㅇ Contact
- +82-42-865-2186
- email : hsy2186@kasi.re.kr
ㅇ Address
- Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 776,
Daedeokdae-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea (zip code: 305-348)