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Invitation of Researcher


Full-time Researcher
at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute

Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute would like to invite full-time researcher who can contribute to a world-leading institute in the field of astronomy.

1. Fields of Invitation

Fields of Invitation로 Title, Major, Application Code, Detailed Field 구성되어 있습니다.
Title Major Application Code Detailed Field
Researcher Astronomy A1 Solar Physics(Coronal Mass Ejection)
Astronomy A2 Active Galactic Nucleus with VLBI
Astronomy A3 East Asia VLBI(Operations) and AGN Research

2. Employment Period
  ㅇ 2 years contract with a renewable extension upon successful performance
  ㅇ The date is nominally April 1, 2014.

3. Application Procedure
  ㅇ Application deadline (by February 28, 2014)
      - All submission material should be in Korean or English sent by email to (hsy2186@kasi.re.kr)
  ㅇ Documents screening (March 3 ~5, 2014)
      - Result will be notified individually
  ㅇ Oral presentation for selected applicants (March 12 ~13, 2014)
      - Face to Face interview or video-phone call interview (only for applicants abroad)
      - 10 minutes self-presentation and 10 minutes Q&A session
      - Presentation topic : the recent research achievements and future plan at KASI
      - Presentation material : 15 pages or less, ppt or pdf format (send to hsy2186@kasi.re.kr)
      - Result will be notified individually
  ㅇ Final Interview for selected applicants (March 20 ~21, 2014)

4. Documents to be ted (by February 28, 2014)
  ㅇ Curriculum vitae (including “Application Code” in CV is a MUST) : including
      information about education (academic degrees, field of study and the title of
      the thesis or dissertation and dates of award), professional experience,
      fellowships and grants received in the past
  ㅇ Certificate of final academic degree
  ㅇ Academic trans (not mandatory but recommended)
  ㅇ List of research accomplishments and publications (for the last 5 years)
  ㅇ 2 letters of reference (reference's signature included): Letters of reference from
      two persons in a position to academically evaluate the applicant and
      his/her research proposal, such as his/her dissertation supervisor,
      professors or fellow researchers
  ㅇ Official certificate of career

5. Inquiries
  ㅇ Contact
      - +82-42-865-2186
      - email : hsy2186@kasi.re.kr
  ㅇ Address
      - Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 776,
        Daedeokdae-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea (zip code: 305-348)