The East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting (EAYAM) was first organized in 2003 to promote interaction and collaboration between young astronomers in East Asia. The success of the initial meeting in Taiwan was followed by EAYAM 2006 in Japan, EAYAM 2008 in China, and EAYAM 2011 in Korea. We are pleased to announce that EAYAM 2015 will once again be held in Taiwan, between Feb. 9-12, 2015, at the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (ASIAA).
Postdocs and graduate students are encouraged to participate, especially those who are either originally from, or currently work in the East Asia region. All participants are expected to give either an oral or a poster presentation to stimulate discussion and interaction. There is no conference registration fee, and attendance will be limited to approximately 100 people.
Date : Feb. 9-12, 2015
Location : ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan
To register and an abstract, please visit following website:
The abstract submission deadline is November 15, 2014. If you have any questions on EAYAM 2015, please contact
EAYAM 2015 is supported by ASIAA and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Albert KONG (NTHU, Taiwan; Chair), Hideaki FUJIWARA (NAOJ, Japan), Kohei
ICHIKAWA (Kyoto University, Japan), Hyosun KIM (KASI, Korea), Shuo LI (NAOC, China), Youjun LU (NAOC, China), Aran LYO (KASI Korea), Meg SCHWAMB (ASIAA, Taiwan), Ya-Wen TANG (ASIAA, Taiwan), Kenneth WONG (ASIAA, Taiwan), HongXin ZHANG (Peking University, China)
Hung-Yi Pu (ASIAA, Taiwan; Chair), Wei CHANG (ASIAA, Taiwan),
Cindy CHIU (ASIAA, Taiwan), Nicole CZAKON (ASIAA, Taiwan), Shirley HUANG (ASIAA, Taiwan), Wing Kit LEE (ASIAA, Taiwan), Suh-Lian LIN (ASIAA, Taiwan),
Hauyu Baobab Liu (ASIAA, Taiwan)