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접수마감 기타 2017년도 Junior Research Leader 채용공고

  • 구분코드
  • 주관부서
  • 담당자
  • 지원기간
    2017.01.01 ~ 2017.02.28 (종료시간 17:00)
  • 발표기간
    2017.06.07 ~ 2017.06.09
  • 박사후 연수원

The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is a government-funded research institute located in Daejeon, Korea. It conducts front-line research in various fields of astronomy, astrophysics and space sciences, develops astronomical instruments, and operates facilities in Korea and overseas. For further details, please visit www.kasi.re.kr/eng/index.

Center for Theoretical Astronomy, KASI, looks for creative and outstanding researchers for Junior Research Leader (JRL) positions in the field of computational astrophysics. The scientific scopes include studies of computation-intensive problems (Newtonian/relativistic hydrodynamics/magnetohydrodynamics, PIC, radiative transfer, N-body, and etc.) for various astrophysical objects, ranging from planets, stars, compact objects, galaxies, AGN, to clusters of galaxies, as well as developments of common computational tools (various codes, visualization, etc.). Outstanding candidates in all fields of computational astrophysics are encouraged to apply for the positions. Successful candidates will carry out original research of own interests.

The position is offered for 5 years (initially for 3 years and for 2 more years after evaluation) with a possibility of continuation based on performance. The salary is comparable to that of Junior faculty, and is commensurate with qualifications. Funds for research expenses of about US $ 20,000 per year as well as those to hire a postdoctoral researcher are provided. Additional funds for further research expenses, postdoctoral researchers, students, and etc may be applied for through the KASI research programs as well as the programs of the NRF (National Research Foundation) of Korea. 

Interested persons should send the followings to hradmin@kasi.re.kr: the form (Application Form for Junior Research Leader, CV, Research Plan) downloadable at https://www.kasi.re.kr/eng/post/eng_jobopening and three or more letters of reference. Applicants must have a PhD in astronomy or a related field at the time of appointment. Applications received by February 28, 2017 will be given due consideration. The expected stating date is July 1, 2017, which is negotiable. For further inquiries, please contact ryu@kasi.re.kr (Dongsu Ryu, Director of Center for Theoretical Astronomy).

만족도 조사
콘텐츠 담당부서인재경영팀
콘텐츠 만족도