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Some aspects of MHD waves in the solar atmosphere

Some aspects of MHD waves in the solar atmosphere

  • Event date : 2018.5.31 ~ 5.31
  • Host : 태양우주환경그룹 / Supervision : 태양우주환경그룹

■ Speaker : Dr. Dae Jung Yu (Kyung Hee University)

■ Title : Some aspects of MHD waves in the solar atmosphere

■ Abstract :

It is now well-recognized that MHD waves are ubiquitous in the sun's atmosphere. The contribution of MHD waves to the unusual coronal temperature is considered to be important and their characteristics are crucial to infer the physical parameters like e.q. magneitc field, density, and so son, leading to the coronal seismology. Some basic properties of MHD waves in homogeneous and inhomogeneous plasmas are addressed. When a plasma medium has an inhomogeneity, two different MHD waves may couple to one another and exchange energies. This process leads to mode conversion or resonant absorption, which is believed to be crucial for the rapid damping of MHD waves and coronal heating. I introduce resonant absorption briefly and then explain how it has been used as a tool for the coronal seismology, which is followed by my recent work on the effect of coronal loop motion on the loop oscillations. Some speculations for future researches are presented at the end.

■ Time/Place : Thursday, May 31, 2018, 04:00 pm  at room #309, Sejong Hall, KASI

■ Host : Jungjoon Seough


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