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Postdoctoral position of the ALMA Korean node at the KASI

Postdoctoral position of the ALMA Korean node at the KASI

The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is going to join as one member of the East Asia partners of the ALMA.  It has set up the Korean node of the East Asian ALMA Regional Center at the KASI. The KASI calls for applications for postdoctoral positions at the Korean node. The successful applicant should spend 50% of his/her time, as a member of the node, to support the Korean astronomical community for the preparation of ALMA observations, data reduction and evaluation and help desk duty, and the other 50% for his/her own research. The successful applicant will have full access to all the resources and facilities in the KASI, as well as ALMA through East Asia Region. KASI resources and observing facilities include the Korean Very Long Baseline Interferometer, the 14-meter Taeduk radio telescope, the 1.8-meter Bohyunsan optical telescope, and the 1.0-meter Mt. Lemmon optical telescope.  Although preference will be given to applicants working in the area of radio astronomy, excellent applicants who could successfully conduct the supporting job description will be seriously considered.  The positions will on July 2014 but a beginning date is negotiable. The term is up to five years; an initial contraction is for two years and the contraction will be expended annually based upon successful performance. The successful candidate will be provided with the remuneration ing from around 35,000,000 Won (?32,000 USD) per annum depending on qualification.  The additional benefits are research budget, financial supplement for health insurance, national pension, one-way airfare to join KASI, and a dormitory room for a single or double.

Applicants should the following documents attached in an email to Dr. A-Ran Lyo (arl@kasi.re.kr) by 30th April: (1) cover letter, (2) curriculum vitae including a list of publications, (3) plans for research in the KASI and the supporting job as a node member, (4) names and email addresses of three referees.  Please arrange three reference letters to be delivered through emails to Dr. A-Ran within the deadline. If you have any questions on this announcement, feel free to ask to Dr. A-Ran Lyo.