RINS (Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph) is a high-resolution (R~40,000), near-infrared (H and K simultaneously) spectrograph develophed by Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and the University of Texas at Austin. It is being operated at the 2.7m telescope of the McDonald Observatory. Here we solicit poposals for the 2015 Trimester 2. Users can apply for the Guaranteed Time (GT) that KASI manages or for the open time of the McDonald Observatory. Note that the awardable GT is quite limited for 2015 Tri 2 and would not exceed 2 nights. More details can be found
at the K-GMT IGRINS CfP page If you have any other inquiry, please feel free to contact us at
Telescope/Instrument : McDonald 2.7m / IGRINS
Deadlines : 18th Jan, 2015 for Korean Guaranteed Time Program
31st Jan, 2015 for McDonald Open Time Program (Not exact date is announced yet)
Period of Observations : April - July 2015
Author Policy
Principal Investigator of a proposed program must be a korean citizen or a resident in Korea who is officially affiliated with a Korean research institution or university.
IGRINS is a PI instrument. A member or members of the IGRINS team must be on each proposal. For more details please visit
the CfP page
Telecon : We are planning to host a telecon on Jan 13th to coordinate Korean IGRINS proposals for Trimester 2. If you are willing to propose for Trimester 2, please notify us and we will send you more details.
IGRINS Newsletter : IGRINS Newsletter for 2015Tri1 is now available. Please check
the CfP page
K-GMT Science Group, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Deadlines : 18th Jan, 2015 for Korean Guaranteed Time Program
31st Jan, 2015 for McDonald Open Time Program (Not exact date is announced yet)
Period of Observations : April - July 2015
Author Policy
Principal Investigator of a proposed program must be a korean citizen or a resident in Korea who is officially affiliated with a Korean research institution or university.
IGRINS is a PI instrument. A member or members of the IGRINS team must be on each proposal. For more details please visit the CfP page
Telecon : We are planning to host a telecon on Jan 13th to coordinate Korean IGRINS proposals for Trimester 2. If you are willing to propose for Trimester 2, please notify us and we will send you more details.
IGRINS Newsletter : IGRINS Newsletter for 2015Tri1 is now available. Please check the CfP page
http://kgmtscience.kasi.re.kr/kgmt_igrins/contact/team.html K-GMT Science Group, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute