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R&D Member

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All 301
Name, Team, Research Field / R&R, Telephone, E-mail Infomation
Name Research Field / R&R E-mail
KIM, HO IL Education and public outreach
KIM, HYO RYOUNG Software Correlator DiFX, Correlated Data Reduction process
NAM, UK WON General Management of Small and Medium Enterprise Partnership Center, space payload electronics development, cosmic radiation detection device/instrument development
ROH, DUK GYOO Korea-Japan Correlation Center(KJCC) management, software development for correlation
Park Pilho Domestic and Oversea Observation Network of KNSS, GDC Management and Operation, Crustal Displacement and Tectonics using GNSS
SUNG, EON CHANG Dwarf galaxies
JEON, YOUNGBEOM 1.8m telescope optical system maintenance
PARK, JANG HYUN General Management of SSAC, optical awareness of space objects, galaxy evolution
Jaemann Kyeong NSOS-a Project, Operation of OWL-Net, SULF using KMTNet
YUK, IN SOO IR Spectroscopy, Star formation, Galaxy evolution. Instrumentation
PARK, BYEONG GON Director of Center for Large Telescopes
MOON, HONG KYU Small Solar System Bodies, Exploration Science, Space Situational Awareness
Kim Seung-Lee KMTNet Operation, Variable Objects
CHO Jungho Reference Frame, GNSS Meteorology, Geodetic VLBI Analysis
Lim Hyung-Chul Research of SLR Technology Applications
Seon, Kwangil interstellar, circumgalactic and intergalactic medium, galaxies
Moon-Hee Chung
Yim,Hong-Suh OWL-Net Management, Development of Automatic Observation System, Research for Variable Objects
Chang Won Lee P.I. of radio research group , Study on early star formation process
Do-Young Byun KVN Field System Software Developement, observational study on star forming region
Sungki Cho
Bong Won Sohn SKA사업, KVN/KaVA/EAVN, EHT 활용 SMBH 연구
Byung-Kyu Choi KPS/GNSS core technology development
Kee-Tae Kim ISM & star formation, KVN/KaVA Star Formation group leader
Youngsik Park Director of SOAO
Kim Soon-Wook Blackholes, Neutron stars, micro-Quasars, star forming regions, LPVs, masers, WDs, cataclysmic binaries, high energy particle physics, neutrino astrophysics, cosmic rays, simulation of accretion discs, radio-IR-optical observations
Yeom Jaehwan
Wi, Seog Oh General maintaining on KVN system, KVN telescopes, SERVO/Hexapod system development
Lee, Chung-Uk KMTNet operation, Stellar astronomy, Exoplanet
Lee Dongjoo Observatory, equipment management for KMTNet
Choi, Minho Star Forming Regions
Dae-Hee Lee General Management of Space Astronomy Research Group
Shin JaeSik KVN AOC operation program development and DB management
Kim Yeon-Han Solar optical observation s
Jo, Jung Hyun Space Peace
Su Chan Bong Coronagraph study, solar radio observation
JONG-KYUN CHUNG GNSS Ionosphere Research
Lee, Jae Woo Variable Objects and Exoplanets
A-RAN LYO General Management of ALMA group
Young-Jun Choi Small Astronomical Objects in the solar system, Korean Lunar Exploration
Young-Sil Kwak Coupling between the ionosphere and thermosphere
Lee, Jaejin General Management of Space Science Division, PI of SNIPE mission
Jeong Woong-Seob Team Manager, IR Instrumentation, Observation of Cosmic Infrared Background
Minsun Kim Research
Roh, Kyoung-Min Astrodynamics, precise orbit modeling and determination, GPS data processing
Choi, Mansoo SLR Operation and Research
Lee Sang-Sung Extende-KVN Science project PI, Study on standard candles, Study of relativistic jets from AGN using KVN
Oh, Chungsik Correlation Data Analysis, VLBI observation, Astrometry, KJCC Media maintenance
Park Eunseo GNSS Orbit Determination, SLR Data Processing
yoo sung-moon TRF/EOP
Jung-Won Lee Design of Sub-millimeter SIS mixer, receiver development
Park Chan OIR Instrumentation / Infrared Astronomy
Lee, Joon Hyeop Observational research of galaxy evolution
Byeong-Cheol Lee Spectroscopic research on exoplanets
Moon Bongkon Ground/Space IR opto-mechanical design, IR system assembly/alignment and test
Lim Eun Kyung Active regions magnetic activities
Je Do-heung radio telescope receiver system development
Sung, Hyun-Il General Management of BOAO and LOAO, Star Forming Region
Park Yoon-Ho BOAO administration, maintenance of research facilities
Sang Chul KIM SNe, Star Clusters, Optical and IR study of the galaxies, Science with GMT
Cho Kyungsuk Solar and Space Weather R&D
Song, Min-Gyu
Oh Se-Jin KVN/KJCC operation, VLBI Correlation Subsystem(VCS) development, RVDB maintenance, KJCC(KASI-NAOJ)
Kang, Miju ISM & star formation
Chung, Sun-Ju microlensing
Shinn Jong Ho research on galaxies using statistical inference
Taehyun Jung Multi-Frequency VLBI Phase Referencing, AGN Research, KVN Operation
Choi Eun-Jung Space situational awareness, Risk assessment, Re-entry prediction
Sung-Joon Park Optical System Engineering for Space Missions
Hong Soo Park Observational study of star clusters and galaxies
Young Sam Yu IR spectrometer development
Hyunjin Jeong Observational study of galaxies
Ko Jongwan
Jeonghyun Pyo Development of IR observation data processing software, IR space observation data processing and analysis, cosmic radiation environment simulation
Narae Hwang Astronomer, Center for Large Telescopes (CfLAT)
Cha Sang-Mok KMTNet maintenance and Astronomical instrumentation
Lee, Ho-Gyu Science for GMT era
Rok Soon Kim Geoeffective coronal mass ejections
Lee, Jong Chul Observational study of galaxies
Kim, il-joong IR observational research(SFR and ISM), IR space telescope instrument research
Woo Kyoung Lee ionospheric research
Jaeheung PARK Magnetic signatures of ionospheric plasma
Yujin Yang
Minsu Shin Galaxy evolution and structure formation in the Universe, numerical astrophysics, high-performance/high-throughput computing, time-domain astronomy, and application of machine learning in astronomy
Yun, Youngjoo Stellar evolution and stellar maser
Kim Sujin Solar Physics, SDO/Nobeyama Radioheliograph/ALMA
Han-Earl Park Astronomical Almanac, GNSS data processing
Won-Kee Park Development of IR observation instrument and data processing pipeline development, development of CIBER2 ground electronic devices/instruments
Kim Myungjin A Study on the Origin of Small Solar System Bodies, Space Situational Awareness for Natural Bodies
Yukinaga Miyashita Magnetospheric Physics Research
Hyosun Kim
Yun-Kyeong Sheen
Jihye Shin
Youngsoo Jo
Jiwoong Yu Space Surveillance Radar Signal Processing
Kwon, Ryun Young
Yongseok LEE
Yoon-Hyun Ryu
Jae-Woo Kim
Lee Sangmin
Jihyun Kang
Kiyoaki Wajima Research of Active Galactic Nuclei, Management of KVN, KaVA, and EAVN
Sung-Yeol Yu
Ki pyoung Sung
Heesu Yang Solar Chromosphere, Instrument Development
Sohn, Jongdae
Seough Jungjoon Theory and Simulation for Solar Wind Plasma
Jae Sok Oh
Sanghyuk Kim
Ueejeong Jeong Control/detector electronics and software for IR/visible instruments
Roh, Dong-Goo
Kyu-Ha Hwang
Ji Yeon Seok Operation and Science Development for GMT, Interstellar dust and PAHs in Space
Min-Young Lee ISM and star formation/Support for the ALMA Regional Center
Jung Yeon Kil
Kyuseok Oh Research on AGN and host galaxies using multiwavelength data and machine-learning method
Jihoon Choi Receiver development for radio telescope
Sungryong Hong
Yang Tae-Yong Near Earth Space Weather Research
Jeong, Minsup Lunar and planetary science
Heeyoung Oh
Kim Jaeheon Management of KVN & EKVN, Study of late stellar evolution for AGB/post-AGB stars
BoMee Lee Understanding the galaxy formation and evolution in the infrared (Weak lensing and high redshift galaxies)
Choi, Jin
Jongsuk Hong
Chun Sang Hyun
Joo, Seok-Joo
LEE Dukhang
Sohn Dong-Hyo
Lee Seokho
ChaeKyung SIM
Yongmin Yoon
Sung-Hong Park Research on space weather prediction
Youngmin JeongAhn
Woojin Park
Yusuke Aso
Kyeongsoo Hong
Bangwon Lee
Song Youngbum
Baek Junhyun
Chung, Eun Jung
Jeong-Heon Kim
Hyun-Jeong Kim
Lee Sang Hyun KVN Ulsan site maintenance
Park, Kyusu BOAO administration, Building maintenance
Hwang Jungwook KVN Tamra site maintenance
Lee Euikyum KVN Yonsei site management operations
Jung Dong-Kyu Daejeon Correlator Operation and Maintainance
Choi Hanbyeol SOAO Administration, PR, MIS & security
Lee Sung-Mo KVN Telescope Maintenance, EE Instrument/Device Maintenance
Kim Seungrae
Hwang-Hee, Won
Jiman Kang
Song Donguk
Yoon, Dong-Hwan LPVs evolution
Jiwon Chung
Hongdal Jun
Sincheol Kang AGN polarization observation, MOGABA data analysis
Dongsu Ryu
Beomdu Lim Test observation with KMTNet, photometric study of open clusters
노현욱 Characteristics of AGN jets
Shinyoung Kim Clouds, Filaments, and Cores
Ilje Cho
Hee-Jae Lee solar system small body
Kim Jae Yeong
Yun Hak Kim Space Surveillance
Jaehyun Lee
Byun, Woowon
Jihye Hwang Massive star formation and magnetic field research
Junseok Hong
Sanghyun Kim
Song Ho Sub
Seongjae Kim
Byeongha Moon
Jeehye Shin
Seul-Min Baek
Cheng Xiaopeng
Heesun Yoon
Kwak Jae Young
Whee Yeon Cheong
Chun Kyungwon
Hye-Eun Jang
Lee Ho Jin
Koh Donghyeok
Lee Hwanhee
Se-Heon Jeong
Minjin Kim
Shuangjing Xu
So-Myoung Park
Yun Hee Lee
Seok-Min Song
Lee Jaewook Ionosphere/Upper Atmosphere
Jeong Hyeon-Woo
Hwang Ho Seong
Hosik Kam
Choi Yeon-Ho
Hong JeongYoo
Park Jeeyoon
Jun Eunsoo
Hoang Ngoc Huy Nguyen
Jehyuck Shin
Hyeong-Sik Yun
Park, Eunsu
Lee, Gyuho Investigating the formation conditions and mechanisms of high-mass stars
Hee-Gyeong Kim
Madeeha Talha
Spandan Choudhury
Yong jung Kim
Youn Hyeon Jeong
Hyungjoe Kwon
Po-Sheng Huang
Archita Rai
Jinsu Rhee
Ji-Hyeon Yoo
Seon Hye Kim
Gimin Kim GNSS Orbit Determination, Orbit Prediction, Broadcast Ephemeris
Lee Seunghyeon
Chanwoo Song
Yoonsoo P. Bach
Guillem Megias i Homar
Jang Biho Control Measurements
Teng, Huanyu
Junhan Kim
Serin Kim
Shan Li Origins of gamma-ray flares in AGN
Deokkeun An
Jubee Sohn
Myungshin Im
Jong-Hak Woo
Lee Hyunjeong
Maria Sotirova Madjarska-Theissen
Kim Minjung
Kim Haeun
Jeon, Woong
Keum Ki Hwan
Eunjin cho
Junhyun Lee
Mingyeong Lee
CHUN, MOO YOUNG KGMT operation and its Science
Minje Beom
Woo-Hyeong Seol
Kil, Hyosub
Chengpeng Zhang
Mina Pak
Tanagodchaporn Inyanya
Yi Eun-Ji
Songhee Nam
Lee GaYoung
Kim Min-Ji
Satyajeet Moharana
Bianca Els
Choi su yeon
Lee er jun
Kim ji yeong
JeongHyuk Kim
Dong Wook KIM
Hanbin Park
Jeong-Je Park
Byunghwa So
Oh Hyung-il
GyeongJa Choi
Youn Jae Hyuck Mt. Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) operation.
Cho Hyun Shik
Cho Joonwoo BOAO Visitor Center Management and Drive Commuter Vehicle
Oh Sujin
Lim JinSun
Byun Hyungkyu
Baek InKyung
Ha taeho
Han, Ki-Yeong
Song Jiyeon
Park, Jang-Ho
Kim Young-Sik Correlator Operation and Maintainance
Chun, Byong Hwa
changhyun kim
Lee Eun Suk
Ja-young Park
Kim Sunwook
Kwak Hannah