BOAO also operates the 1 m telescope of Mt. Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory (LOAO) in Arizona at a ratio of more than 95% and 220 observation nights yearly, remotely via the network in BOAO in KASI and therefore, one can organize continuous obvervations through the network via the observation scheduling of SOAO, BOAO, and LOAO using the small and medium sized telescopes. Main research topics are monitoring survey of the variable objects and observational study on the stars in the open clusters. Using the 4k CCD camera installed February 2011, wide field observation of 28″.1 x 28.″1 can be carried out at once. LOAO generally supports more than 25 observing programs and publishes the corresponding results in the SCI journals. Additionally, BOAO and LOAO takes part in the corresponding international observing program, respectively.
LOAO Site View
LOAO 1 m Telescope