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Astronomers have been working to build larger and larger optical telescopes to unveil the secret of the Universe, from the First Stars after the Big Bang to the habitable exoplanets. With the aim of providing infrastructure for Korean astronomers to carry out outstanding research, the Center for Large Telescopes (CfLAT) operates 8 meter-class telescopes through the international partnership and participates in the 25 meter Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) project for the next generation. 

(left) 3D rendering image of GMT (Image credit: GMTO),   Gemini Observatory consisting of twin telescopes (middle: Gemini-South, right: Gemini-North) operated by an international partnership including KASI (Image credit: Gemini/AURA)

Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) GMTO link 
  • Development of the world’s largest optical/infrared telescope (25 meter) for the era of the extremely large ground-based telescopes in 2020s.
  • Initiated by the Carnegie Observatories in 2003, GMTO Corporation carries out the development and construction of the GMT on behalf of an international consortium including the institutes in the United States, Australia, Brazil, and Korea.
  • Equipped with seven 8.4-meter primary mirrors combined with the cutting-edge adaptive optics and optical/infrared instruments.
  • Expected to do revolutionizing researches on the Universe, such as the early Universe and exoplanets, based on the high resolving power and superb sensitivity.

Resolution comparison

The GMT will have a resolving power 10 times greater than the Hubble Space Telescope. The image shows simulated AO images in H-band of Globular Cluster around Cen A (Credit: GMTO).


The CfLAT consists of “Optical Astronomical Technology Group (OATG)” for research and development of optical/infrared instruments and telescopes, and “K-GMT Science Group (KGSG)” for all science operations run by the CfLAT. 

K-GMT Science Group (KGSG)   KGSG link 
필터시스템의 Filter Wheel 1, Filter Wheel 2의 내용을 확인 하실 수 있습니다.
KGO Operation Manpower training and community science support Participation in international survey projects Development of the next generation research topics
  • Korea Gemini Office (KGO) operation
  • Participation in MMT/Magellan
  • K-GMT Science Program Users Meeting 
  • Summer School for young researchers
  • Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
  • Participation in various international large survey projects (e.g., SDSS, LSST, UWIFE)
  • Promotion of High-resolution spectroscopy in cooperation with the Korean Astronomical community
  • K-GMT Science White Paper

Optical Astronomical Technology Group (OATG)   OATG link 
광학천문기술그룹의 GMT 관측기기 개발, 대형망원경 관측기기 개발, 망원경 및 관측기기 요소기술 개발, 중력파 검출기술 개발 의 내용을 확인 하실 수 있습니다.
SG2_v2 TG2 TG3 gw_kagra
GMT Instrumentation Instrumentation for Large Telescopes Telescope and instrument technology Gravitational Wave (GW) Detection Technology
  • G-CLEF Optical spectrograph 
  • GMTNIRS Near-IR spectrograph
  • Infrared spectrograph IGRINS-2, to be installed at Gemini 8.1 m
  • Infrared spectrograph MagNIFIES to be mounted on Magellan 6.5m 
  • Cryogenic optics system and cooling 
  • Fabrication, alignment and performance evaluation of optics
  • Active Optics System for large optical telescopes
  • Technology for quantum squeezed state of light 
  • International collaboration for development of the next generation detector 

Main projects
Development and Operation of Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT)
  • Participation in the international consortium for the GMT
  • Research development and training for the era of the GMT
  • Support for state-of-the-art technology development of observational instrumentation 

Science Operation of Large Optical Telescopes
  • Science operation and support
  • Development of Science Projects for Large Survey Data (LSST, UWIFE, SDSS) and high-resolution spectroscopy

Instrumentation for Large Optical Telescopes
  • Optical spectrograph G-CLEF for GMT ( G-CLEF )
  • Infrared spectrograph GMTNIRS fort GMT ( GMTNIRS )
  • IGRINS-2 IR spectrograph for Gemini ( IGRINS-2 )
  • MagNIFIES IR spectrograph for Magellan ( MagNIFIES )

Technology Development for Optical/Infrared instrumentation 
  • Research for Large Cryogenic Optics System and cooling system design
  • Active Optics System for optical telescope
  • Fabrication/Alignment/Performance/Environmental verification for optics and other critical systems 
  • Technical support for maintenance of telescopes and instruments at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO) and Sobaeksan Optical Astronomy Observatory (SOAO)

Gravitational Wave Detector technology
  • Development of the quantum squeezing technology 
  • International collaboration on the next generation GW detector development
Facilities and Resources
High-resolution near-infrared spectrograph IGRINS: mounted on McDonald 2.7m, Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT) 4.3m, Gemini 8.1m 
Large Optical/Infrared Telescope (Gemini, MMT)

(좌) 제미니망원경 (이미지 제공: Gemini/AURA), (중) 제미니(남반구)망원경에 설치된 IGRINS,(우) MMT (이미지 제공: MMT/NOAO)

 (left) Gemini Telescope (image credit: Gemini/AURA), (middle) IGRINS mounted on Gemini-S, (right) MMT (image credit: MMT/NOAO)